Bookings by Job number


The Booking by Job number, displays a list of bookings based on the selected criteria of ports. This view program is made up of two sections:






  1. Data entry for selection: This is the section where the job number and the ports are specified. It also has an option to include further detail, which, in case of being selected, will be displayed in an additional third section, either with the booking detail (units or pieces being booked) or container movements attached to each container line item for the highlighted booking.
  2. Display section: this section shows the list of bookings that meet the specifications of job and ports. It shows the date of the booking and the names of Shipper/Forwarder/Consignee. The. Bookings can be selected from this point to be printed. You can select one by one or all of them. In this section you can also drag a column to the top area of this section and group the information by that column, as it behaves as a pivot table. To access a desired booking, highlight it and hit Enter or Double-Click with the mouse.
  3. Detail section: Based on the selection made in the Show Detail field, this screen will display booking detail or container movements. This view is very helpful, as you would not have to go to the booking itself to look at the detail.