In-Bond Information.


This option is used whenever the final destination of the cargo arriving in the US is not the Port of Discharge and the cargo must be moved ‘in-bond’ either to another US port, or being exported to a foreign port on another vessel.  When this situation occurs, a ‘Y’ has to be entered next to the In-Bond field.. A window pops-up with In-Bond information to be filled out, as follows:




Paperless or Conventional: The appropriate selection must be done depending on the type of procedure.  Paperless if the computer will be electronically filing the request for in bond movement or conventional if you will be submitting paper forms to Customs.


In-Bond Type: There are three options to type IT, IE and TE :


1.      IT: Immediate Transportation: In-Bond movement transporting a cargo shipment from the US port of discharge to another US port of destination under bond for entry or disposition

2.      IE: Immediate Exportation: In-Bond movement that retains a foreign cargo shipment within the US port of discharge under bond for exportation to another country without duty.

3.      TE: Transportation and Exportation: In-Bond movement transporting a cargo shipment from the US port of discharge to another US port for exportation to another country.



In-Bond Number: Called the ‘V-number’, it is automatically assigned by the system for paperless in-bond B/L’s and is called that way because they start by the letter V followed by two digits assigned by customs to identify the company. The rest of the numbers are computer assigned. If it is a conventional In-Bond B/L it will start with a digit.


U.S Port\Customs Code:: select the port form the list. Once it is selected, it will automatically populate the Customs code


SCAC code: assign the appropriate line code


In-Bond Carrier ID: Type the carrier ID in this field. (The four letter ID assigned by customs to the carrier that holds the bond the cargo is moving under