Vessel Status


This section is divided into three columns: the left column, displays a summary of the bills entered for the selected ports and a summary of the current status: Totals of B/L’s, acknowledged, deleted, released by Customs. It includes two buttons, one to proof manifest, to make sure all Bills have been entered correctly and another one to send the manifest to Customs. There is an additional button to Force Acknowledgment, in case Customs has replied but the update is not reflected, then this button may be used to continue with the following step in the AMS process, which is the departure\arrival submission The next columns shows the arrival, and departure dates and time, respectively. It shows whether this has been submitted and acknowledged by Customs. Use the corresponding button either to send the departure date and time 24 hours after the vessel has departed the port and arrive it 24 hours before the vessel arrives in the port of discharge



The section in the bottom includes an explanation of the current status of the voyage. If it has been proofed, manifested, arrived, acknowledged, etc. This is general information for the whole voyage and shows answers form Customs