B/L Dispositions


This is the third step of the process and this is the program where you can verify the status of the B/L’s that you have set for transmission, This screen displays the list of B/L numbers and an explanation of the current status, abbreviations of the ports of Loading, Discharge and Final Destination The transmission status will state whether the B/L has been transmitted to US Customs or not and if so it states if the transmission went OK or if it was rejected by customs. The B/L status will state if the B/L is new, amended or edited. In this way you can have an idea about what is going on with the transmission of the B/L’s. It includes an additional filed to see if the B/l’ has been released or not. Different letters identify the B/L status, as follows:


Ø      ‘A’ Ready for US Customs (Not transmitted yet)

Ø      ‘B’ Sent, assumed accepted

Ø      ‘C’ rejected, fix B/L

Ø      ‘D’ Current B/L has been amended and customs requires a reason for this amendment. You have to select one of the options that appear in the displayed window. Ready to be sent

Ø      ‘E’ Amends sent, assumed accepted

Ø      ‘F’ Amends rejected, fix B/L

Ø      ‘G’ Marked for deletion

Ø      ‘H’ Deletion sent, assumed accepted

Ø      ‘I’ Delete rejected

Ø      ‘O’ Ordered to General Order

Ø      ‘R’ Amends quantity only

Ø      ‘S’ Either a new B/L or a B/L that has been amended

Ø      ‘T’ New B/L sent, assumed accepted

Ø      ‘X’ Not ready for US Customs

Ø        ‘ No transmission record


This information can be filtered by Transmission status and/or Release status


This menu contains options to re-submit or change the status of  B/L’s if it is necessary, to print a dispositions report, request an extension or request permission to transfer