Commodity File


This table displays commodity IDs, and their description. The commodities are used in the B/L guess rating process that checks for any applicable rating defaults for that commodity. The ID number is a number assigned by the user, which usually corresponds to either the FMC tariff item or the Schedule B number.  ID number zero is used for ‘Cargo, N.O.S.’, which is a special commodity used to represent all commodities. 



To edit a commodity, highlight the desired one, and double-click on the mouse on it or select the corresponding button from the toolbar. A second language translation and additional description can be added.


To create a new commodity, just click on the new commodity option and assign a number that has not been used before. Then add the description and translation if needed. The schedule B can be added at this point, by clicking on the B that appears in the toolbar or by going under File and selecting the appropriate option


Make sure to assign a number that has not been used for any other commodity. If you do not assign a correct number you will delete an existing record.