How to create a new Job


To create a new job**, start by assigning the line, and the vessel. Line and Vessel may be selected from the drop-down list, or as the user begins to type the name, it will be brought forth

Once the vessel is entered, the Captain will be assigned automatically if previously assigned in the Vessel master file. Otherwise, the name can be edited at this point. The year field will default to the current one, but can be changed if needed.

The B/L type defines the type of numbering for the Bills of Lading that is customer specific.

The period year and period month. must be assigned with the sailing dates accordingly, in other words, the month and year of the date of the sailing port, must be the period month and period year, respectively. 


After all this information has been entered, the new job will be created.  It will display the list of ports that have been set up in the sailing schedule of the selected vessel


To create the General job (000 job) used for accounting purposes only, press the Edit button and select the option create general Job. Then the user can proceed to create it like any other job.

A general job may be created once per line, per year,. always with a ‘000’ sequence number. It will have the standard –00, -01, and –02 sub-categories, which can be used for departments or for subgroups such as empty repositioning not attached to a specific job, or for miscellaneous line expense groups not for any specific job


 ** If the new job needs to have a specific sequence different than the regular one, the option of alternate sequence must be selected, and the user has to assign the number that he\she wants the new sequence to start with. This means that job numbers may be assigned manually as well, if needed.