B/L header entry screen


1.Copy B/L creates a new B/L or more with the same information that appears in the one selected to be copied. The equipment type and the quantity, as well as the rates, must be entered and calculated, respectively, in the created document (s)


2.Create from document option (From Booking, TIR or D/R); Creates a B/L with the information of TIR, D/R or Booking that you assigned in the respective field. Information such as job, ports, shipper, forwarder, consignee, notify and description gets assigned, but you have to populate fields in the header, like whether the B/L is Prepaid/Collect, if it has a Freight forwarder advance, etc. If there is a service contract for the customer in the document (dock receipt or TIR), the system assigns the corresponding valid service contract. If there are several service contracts for the same customer, then the system displays on the screen the different options. It is up to the user to select the appropriate one


3.Add Notes is an option to add comments/notes to the document for internal control


4. Find B/L, is an option to find B/L’s by job number, CMS, container number, booking number, text search. Some of the search options are based on the date on top (cms, for example). Once the B/L’s are found, you can view them by double-clicking or hitting Enter on the highlighted line item, or they can be printed along with the corresponding invoices, if the B/L is posted. To keep on looking at the other B/L’s that you found for your specified criteria, click on the binoculars again.

There is an option to open the found B/L in a new window and keep the old one open. Make sure you select the New window from the View menu, when using find B/L option


5. Scroll by Job number: This option is located under the View menu. If it is selected, and the user selects the prior and next option from the File menu or toolbar, the program will find the respective Bill of lading under the same job. If it is not selected and you do not have unique numbering, it will scroll on the selected number, but in a different job


6. Displays booking notes into the B/L (whenever the booking has notes). Make sure to activate the option Show Booking Notes, from the View menu


7. Booking can be viewed from the B/L, by right clicking on its field or double-clicking on it.


8. The view of the CMS can be modified to display it with address or without it by going into View and selecting the Hide address option


9. The commodity and Schedule B information can be captured by line item. If these two options are selected from the View menu, you will get the window with the list of commodities and schedule B after finishing entering the information in a description line item.


10. Containers can also be attached to loose cargo line items, in the case that you do not have a D/R number and you want to reflect the container that the cargo has been stuffed into (most of the time, for northbound cases). To attach the container per line item, select the respective option under the View menu


11. Delete B/L: deletes a B/L as long as it is not posted. Description line items, and rates must be deleted and scrapped, respectively, before deleting the B/L. Some companies have a specific setting, so that the program does not delete the B/L but cancels it.


12. Show Toolbar, shows or hides the toolbar


13. Users can set a warning display, by going to the View option and checking the option of immediate warnings. If it is checked, if you do not enter any information in the Prepaid/Collect field, it will warn you right away.