Cash Receipts


The cash receipt entry screen is designed to quickly record bank deposits. The cash receipt entry screen can also be used to record journal entries.  It looks as follows:





When a user logs into this screen is prompted to the company he/she has logged into and to the current period. The company can be changed, by selecting the desired one from the drop-down list. The period can also be changed, just by going to the respective field and changing the month. Take into account that to change the period users have to have a specific security level, in this case supervisor, which is 3Y.To enter a new cash receipt in the current period, hit <enter> in the first field. The next field is the date field, which will default to the current date but can be changed by the user, this can be changed as needed, by clicking on the on the little square at the end of the date field.


The next field is the bank account number, along with its description, as it appears in the chart of accounts. Only valid bank accounts will appear in the drop-down list.  Then you will find a department. This is something that was developed recently to allow agents to collect the money and reflect it in the system for a specific port. It works along with a clearing account, which once the amounts are posted, it should be zero.


The last field in the ‘header’ of the cash receipt is the amount; enter the amount of the total cash receipt. Once entered, the program will assign the next available Cash receipt number and the cursor will go to the detail part. Enter the first check number to be applied and hit <Tab or Enter> to get to the next field   Enter the G/L account to apply the amount to. The next field, Dept, will remain blank until the invoice or Bill of lading are assigned, then the program will automatically assign the department from the invoice   The amount will default to the open amount on the invoice. It can be changed in the event of partial or overpayments.  Any such discrepancy will be reflected on the invoice itself accordingly when the cash receipt is posted.  The same check number can, of course, be applied to multiple invoices, and the entry program assists the user by copying the previous line’s information such as check number, acct and date. For each line item, the bottom section of the screen will reflect the account name, company name, voyage information, if applicable, and the total amount of the invoice.


The icons on top can be used to perform different functions, to open a new cash receipt, to save changes made to it, to run a proof or to print, to access an invoice. The period can be changed if the cash receipt is not posted. To do that, select the appropriate option form the toolbar

Several Cash receipts can be viewed at the same time; the cascade options can be used to display them as wanted.